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来源:明好教育2016-06-18 23:21:23您是第位阅读者

「あ」 英訳四字熟語辞典 Four-Character Idiomatic Compounds
合縁奇縁・相縁機縁 (あいえん きえん)  
(n) uncanny relationship formed by a quirk of fate; a couple strangely but happily united 
相碁井目 (あいご せいもく)  
(exp,n) In every game or play, differences in skill between individuals can be substantial. 
哀訴嘆願・哀訴歎願 (あいそ たんがん)  
(n,vs) plea; entreaty; supplication 
相手次第 (あいて しだい)  
(n) being up to the other party; one's attitude or response being dependent on the character, attitude, or move(s) of the other party 
哀悼痛惜 (あいとう つうせき)  
(n) condolence; mourning; sorrow; lamentation 
愛別離苦 (あいべつ りく)  佛家语,指亲爱的人离别的痛苦。
(n) the agony of separation from loved ones 
合間合間 (あいま あいま) 
(n) (in) one's spare time; (at) intervals; (in) pauses (of conversation, etc.); (in between) periods of doing something 
曖昧模糊 (あいまい もこ)  
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) obscure; vague; ambiguous; hazy 
青息吐息 (あおいき といき) ## 
(n) deep distress; sigh uttered when one is in great distress 
青空市場 (あおぞら いちば) 
(n) open-air market; outdoor market; outdoor bazaar 
青空駐車 (あおぞら ちゅうしゃ) 
(n,vs) parking one's car on the street [out in the open] at night; illegal parking outdoors 
商人気質 (あきんど かたぎ ・ しょうにん かたぎ)  
(n) mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit 
悪因悪果 (あくいん あっか)  
(exp,n) sowing and reaping evil; An evil cause produces an evil effect. 
青田売買 (あおた ばいばい) 
(n) dealing in unharvested rice crop 
悪逆非道 (あくぎゃく ひどう)  
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman 
悪行三昧 (あくぎょう ざんまい)  
(n) committing every evil; being given to evil ways; following the path of evil 
悪逆無道 (あくぎゃく むどう ・ あくぎゃく ぶどう)  
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman 
悪事千里 (あくじ せんり)  
(exp,n) Bad news travel fast.; Ill news spread like wildfire. 
悪徳商法 (あくとく しょうほう) 
(n) unscrupulous [crooked, fraudulent] business practices; pernicious sales methods 
悪戦苦闘 (あくせん くとう) ## 
(n,vs) hard [desperate] struggle; fighting against heavy odds 
悪人正機 (あくにん しょうき)    
(exp,n) The evil persons are the right object of Amida's salvation.; The evil persons have the unique opportunity to go to heaven. 
握髪吐哺 (あくはつ とほ)  
(n) (a statesman making) extraordinary efforts to find and employ capable persons [persons of great wisdom] 
悪木盗泉 (あくぼく とうせん)  
(exp,n) A virtuous person does [should] not commit an act that offends his moral principles no matter how hard pressed he may be. 
悪魔調伏 (あくま ちょうぶく ・ あくま ぢょうぶく) 
(n) exorcism; praying down evil spirits 
足軽大将 (あしがる たいしょう) 
(n) samurai in command of a troop of foot soldiers 
可惜身命 (あたら  しんみょう)   
(n) valuing one's body and life; holding one's life dear 
彼方此方 (あち こち ・ あちら こちら ・ あっち こっち ・ かなた こなた) 
(adv,n) here and there; everywhere; all over (the place); throughout; sporadically 
悪鬼羅刹 (あっき らせつ)   
(n) man-eating fiend 
悪口雑言 (あっこう ぞうごん) ## 
(n) stream of verbal abuse; cursing and swearing (words) 
跡目相続 (あとめ そうぞく) 
(n) taking over as (the) head of a family; succession to the position of family head; successorship 
阿鼻叫喚 (あび きょうかん)  
(n) agonizing cries; pandemonium; two of the eight burning hells in Buddhism 
阿鼻地獄 (あび じごく)  
(n) the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism 
阿付迎合・阿附迎合 (あふ げいごう)   
(n,vs) ingratiation; sycophancy 
雨傘番組 (あまがさ ばんぐみ) 
(n) substitute for a scheduled live broadcast of a sporting event that was rained out 
甘辛両党 (あまから りょうとう) 
(n) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well 
甘辛両刀 (あまから りょうとう) 
(adj-no,n) taste for both wines and sweets; having a liking for both alcoholic beverages and sweet things 
蛙鳴蝉噪 (あめい せんそう)  
(n) annoying noise; fruitless argument; useless controversy 
阿諛迎合 (あゆ げいごう)  
(n,vs) ingratiation; sycophancy   
阿諛追従 (あゆ ついしょう)  
(n,vs) excessive flattery; adulation 
阿諛便佞・阿諛弁佞 (あゆ べんねい)   
(adj-no,n) flattery; adulation; sycophancy 
有難迷惑 (ありがた めいわく) 
(adj-na,n) misplaced kindness; mixed blessing; an unwelcome favor 
暗雲低迷 (あんうん ていめい)  
(n) dark clouds hanging low; dark clouds gathering ominously (over) 
安心立命 (あんしん りつめい ・ あんじん りつめい ・ あんじん りゅうみょう ・ あんじん りゅうめい) 
(n,vs) spiritual peace and enlightenment; keeping an unperturbed mind through faith 
暗送秋波 (あんそう しゅうは)  
(n) giving an amorous sidelong look; casting an amorous glance (at); playing up to someone behind the scenes 
暗中飛躍 (あんちゅう ひやく)  
(n,vs) behind-the-scenes maneuvering; secret maneuvers 
暗中模索 (あんちゅう もさく) ## 
(n,vs) groping in the dark; exploring new avenues without having any clues 
安寧秩序 (あんねい ちつじょ)  
(n) peace and order; law and order 
安穏無事 (あんのん ぶじ)  
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful 
安否不明 (あんぴ ふめい) 
(n) fate [safety] of a person [persons] being unknown 
安眠妨害 (あんみん ぼうがい) 
(n) disturbance of sleep; a nuisance in the middle of the night 
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